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Membership to the Irish Discworld Convention is what you buy instead of a ticket. It entitles you to entry to all events at the Convention (except the Gala dinner or other ticketed events)
The official currency in Ankh-Morpork is Ankh-Morpork Dollars but Euros are a suitable substitute during the festival. The festival hotel has an ATM and there are also ATMs in the nearby airport.
If you need medical attention while visiting the Big Wahoonie the Lady Sybil Free Hospital in Goose Gate is recommended. They have an excellent all night Igor service.
Crime is regulated and as such unauthorized crime levels are low. Muggings and robberies are carried out by members of the Thieves Guild. Be sure to get a receipt if you have such an encounter. Certain types of …personal services…are provided by the Seamstress Guild. Begging falls into the remit of the Beggars Guild and murder under the auspices of the Assassin’s Guild. You can ask to see the Guild membership of any person engaged in these services to ensure they are authorised.
One area in which artistic types should be careful is that unwarranted street theatre and malicious morris dancing are crimes punishable by up to 3 months in the Tanty and mimes are not allowed within the city walls. The punishment is to be thrown in the scorpion pit.